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3 Driving Forces Behind The Increasingly Digital Library

At the same time, research has shown that many patrons still want libraries to carry tangible books for borrowing. However, people are increasingly looking at libraries as community spaces to access technology.
Book Scanners are a key piece of Digital Library Technology
3 Driving Forces That Drive the Digital Library of Today

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, libraries are transforming into increasingly digital spaces. As a society, we have become more technologically literate and have developed an insatiable thirst for technology. E-publishing, digital books, and e-reading have become the norm, and libraries are keeping up with the times by adopting technology to meet the needs and expectations of their patrons.

Three factors are driving this evolution: the user, the service, and IT providers. Firstly, the proliferation of technology use has made people more reliant on their digital devices, with even baby boomers developing a strong bond with them. Secondly, libraries are now focused on providing technology that users want and need, such as server virtualization, which allows for a dynamic adaptation of assets within a system. Finally, IT providers are adapting to evolving user needs, although they must be careful not to progress too quickly without matching what people actually use and need.

Libraries have already made significant strides in embracing the technological age. Many now provide digital books in addition to hardcopy books, while others have added computers to their libraries for research purposes, providing users with instantaneous access to information and resources. Some libraries have even adopted 3D printing capabilities, turning libraries into technology hubs and even offering IT lessons to their communities.

At the same time, research has shown that many patrons still want libraries to carry tangible books for borrowing. However, people are increasingly looking at libraries as community spaces to access technology. In this context, ScannX's Book Scanning Solutions provide the best options for digitization at the library. Built specifically for all scanning scenarios in libraries, these products offer the highest level of digitization quality, ensuring that library materials are preserved for posterity while also making them accessible to a wider audience.

To get started with ScannX's Book Scanning Solutions, we're excited to offer a free 30-day trial. Visit our website at to learn more and to sign up for your free trial today.

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