Today’s students are not just students. They do study and attend classes, but they also participate in extracurricular activities as well as work, volunteering, teaching, mentoring, etc. So, your run-of-the-mill library technology is not always the best option to keep up with their busy lives. Digital technology, in a broad sense, is meant to increase productivity and communication. In the busy life of the average digital-age student, this has never been more important.
Students are looking for – and have come to expect – technology that streamlines their workflow and makes overall communication easier. In essence, they are seeking automation in all things: a digital “life hack.”
As an institutional hub for learning and knowledge, your library is a place for students to fulfill all of their educational needs and attain the necessary materials and support. But, given students’ increasingly busy lifestyles and high expectations for technology, traditional library services don’t seem to be cutting it anymore.
Your students today are striving and thriving in the digital world. When they come to your library, they expect that technological high to last. They want library technology that goes hand in hand with the lives they lead, their learning styles and the ways in which they communicate. They expect your library to be an extension of the digital world in which they reside.
So, when students enter a library with out-of-date digital services, their workflow efforts are sidelined by interruptions like bulky, life-size printers. As we’ve already mentioned, they have neither the time nor the inclination to navigate these seemingly ancient tools. Outdated library technology is not in tune with what your students seek, and it ultimately becomes more of a headache than a help.
Library Services That Meet Student Expectations
Workflow And Management Solutions
Take inventory of your current library services and evaluate whether they’re really up to date with the digital age – and your digitally minded patrons. There are so many services and management styles that coincide with the digitized lifestyles of today. It’s time to start adopting some of these new practices or risk falling behind the curve in a fast-moving digital era.